“The word ‘tantra’ means techniques, the method, the path. Tantra is a set of powerful, transformative tools that can be used to bring new meaning and joy to every aspect of our daily lives. It is not concerned with the “why” of things, It is concerned with “how”, not with what is truth, but how the truth can be attained. Tantra is an experience. Only a daringness to experiment is enough; courage to experiment is enough.”
Excerpt from: Osho’s Book of Secrets
Thank you for entering this journey of ejaculation mastery. This course is set up to have you explore your body, sexuality and ejaculation in a new way to build a relationship with your sex that allows for more range and agility.
It is not a pathway to help you please a partner, become a tantric god and it does not encourage total abstinence from ejaculation. Yet from all the men I’ve worked with over the years. This is what I’ve seen that makes a huge difference.