Transformation Through Touch Masterclasses
Presented by Victoria Redbard, Australia’s Leading Sexuality Expert.
This powerful two part activation series offers an introduction into connecting with your sexuality and creating profound, lasting change in your life through the Self Pleasure Modality ™ . We explore how to use Self Pleasure to navigate the three foundational pillars of transformation – clearing the past, connecting to the present and creating the future.
How does the Self Pleasure Modality™ work?
The globally accredited Self Pleasure Modality™ is a profound, cutting-edge practice that creates transformation in every aspect of your life by accessing your inner world and relating with your subconscious through sound, breath, movement and touch.
This powerful and transformative practice is the foundational tool used to navigate the three stages of Transformation Through Touch:
Clearing through the past
Connecting to the present
Creating the future.
In this Masterclass, Victoria introduces the modality of Self Pleasure and explores each stage of Transformation Through Touch.
She explains in depth why transformation begins with clearing through your past – how to view and sit with your personal judgments around sexuality and the power of shifting beliefs to create simplicity within your body.
Through connecting with the present, she explores how to meet the body where it is at and the benefit of allowing the body to be guided by your cells, your desires, your connection to your eros and trusting where it wants to evolve to.
Finally, she explores how Self Pleasure plays a fundamental role in creating the future you desire, where the subconscious meets the conscious – getting to the base of the being and embodying trust, surrender and relaxation.
We are so excited to share this work with you and thank you for joining this masterclass. May it open you to the power and potential that the Self Pleasure Modality can bring to your life.